

沒錯,馬政府下台日破冬了,台灣人民的苦難日也快要過去了。哪些國際上曾經存在的紀錄是對台灣前途有利的,這個馬戲團隊完全忽略。放掉這些有利的根據不去爭取台灣的國際立場與地位,卻喜孜孜的對被侮辱了身份而能進入 WHA 會場而大肆宣傳。的確很諷刺。





July 1982

In 1982, during negotiations for the Third United States - China Joint Communiqué on Arms Sales to Taiwan, the Taiwan government presented the United States with six points that it proposed the United States use as guidelines in conducting United States - Taiwan relations. According to former Ambassador John Holdridge, the United States agreed to these points, conveyed this assent to Taiwan, and, in late July 1982, informed the Congress of the agreement. The six points are:

1. The United States would not set a date for termination of arms sales to Taiwan.

2. The United States would not alter the terms of the Taiwan Relations Act.

3. The United States would not consult with China in advance before making decisions about U.S. arms sales to Taiwan.

4. The United States would not mediate between Taiwan and China.

5. The United States would not alter its position about the sovereignty of Taiwan which was, that the question was one to be decided peacefully by the Chinese themselves, and would not pressure Taiwan to enter into negotiations with China.

6. The United States would not formally recognize Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan.

六點聲明對台灣前途都很重要,可是這個馬戲團會故意藏起來不提,不告訴百姓。假如你看到的跟 Redeye 一樣,這個政府一直不停的對台灣主權放棄、放棄再放棄。那請再忍耐不到一年的時間,我們也徹底放棄這個中國來的無賴政權吧。台灣的幸福終將再來。

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